Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hougno, Komla and Maurice

Here are two beautiful boys we've been caring for awhile on the AFM. Komla, the little boy on the right, came to us after a mishap with a family bonfire. Children falling into fires is a bigger problem definitely than happens at home. His little leg was burned in the past and had scarred and fused together. I don't have pics, but pretty much his calf was fused to the back of his thigh so his knee was permanently bent... left foot almost level with his tush. Enter plastic surgery! And a loooot of physical therapy, some creative occupational therapy for splints and shoes, lots of time, prayer, dressings and games later and presto! We have a straight leg. After months of being onboard, both boys get to go home today!
Shown here with one of their nurses, Rinnah.
 Hougno is the boy on the left, who had a large tumor on his leg that pretty much made it resemble an elephant's leg. It's been reduced to almost nothing but still has some healing to go, as well as Komla's wound, so please pray for them as they return to their villages. Both boys have had delicate skin grafts that don't respond well to African dust (ha!) and teenage rambunctiousness, so they've had to stay on the ship to keep them clean.

I had to include the picture of this sweet munchkin, just 'cause I love the photo. This is baby Maurice and yes, that is a suture line around his right eye. Have you ever seen anything more precious? His nurse, Becca, says that little hand never leaves his mouth. 

1 comment:

Mom said...

Oh my goodness, who will do follow up care for these little ones after they leave? The photos are precious.