Friday, September 7, 2012

Laja trash removal services

There's a tiny town six hours south of Santiago called Saltos de Laja. This is the Chilean answer to Niagara Falls or Iguazu Falls. We break our journey to the city of Osorno, where Mission to the World helps with another church called the "Iglesia Presbiteriana de Osorno".

They're beautiful waterfalls, three in a row, each as lush as the previous. The above photo was from the window in my hotel room. I opened the curtains and told dad, "uh, there's a leak in the backyard"; he just laughed.

The trash removal services got as big a response from me as the waterfalls though.

What a lovely fellow - a bit on the bony side if you ask me, but if you've gotta have your trash taken out, this is the way to do it.

1 comment:

Robbie said...

This is too funny! I guess they make lots of trips - or else they don't have as much garbage as we do in America!