Sunday, September 23, 2012

How a Cannon takes a flood

  One of the dangers of long-term storage became apparent when we unpacked Mom and Dad's belongings to bring them from Osorno to Santiago, in Chile. Most of their appliances bit the dust I'm afraid. Their refrigerator had to be replaced and the washing machine had apparently died as well (but only after we moved it twelves hours north). The dishwasher repairman has also been out twice so far, but it's still not working; we've not given up on it yet - probably lunacy at this point, hoping it will be rescuable, but here's hoping.

  Mom did shed a few tears for her old fridge and dad had a loss too as well, his old Cannon camera. He's had this fella for a long time, but what made it kind of cool was the science experiment it became while it sat in a nice cool, damp, dark environment.

Tragic.  The old knobs and bobs that came with it fused together a few years ago apparently, as there was no separating some lenses from each other.

  I'm hoping some of the lense filters will willingly subject themselves to some professional cleaning though. I'm interested to see what the red and yellow filters will do to a picture, and what that lense so tantalizingly labeled "star filter" will do.

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