Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Donkey under anesthesia

Donkey got placed under anesthesia today. Or, at least that's what my little 8 year old patient, Iliasson, thought today. He is onboard the Africa Mercy to have his inguinal hernia repaired today. When the time came to go to surgery, I held his hand and walked him and his mother down to the little room where the OR personnel come to review the patient's chart and take the patients back to surgery. He was all smiles and giggles in the morning when I handed him a sheet of paper and some crayons and spent the time coloring a very vivid african drum. His initial reticence at this strange room on this big white ship was overcome earlier when he danced with one of the nurses during ward worship, but his little smile faded to a sombre, scared little look once we headed down the hall.

Until donkey appeared - a stuffed Shrek donkey that filled his lap. The OR nurse and translator came out and placed donkey on his lap and started to explain that donkey is also having his surgery today to have his hernia repaired. Donkey is going to have a special mask placed on him (on goes the mask) and donkey is going to breathe deep and fall asleep, and when the operation is finished, he will be able to get up and play (donkey bounces around).  "Then you will do the same, we will place this mask and get you to breathe deep (the child complied) and when you wake up, you can then get up and play.

The translator then prayed for this little one and in he went to the OR, clutching the donkey. The recovery room nurse told me that Iliasson woke up with a smile from his anesthesia and later that day proceeded to wallop me in a game of balloon volleyball. He at least will not be one of those suffering with a massive hernia for ten or twenty years until some help can be found.

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