Monday, August 15, 2011

Hiccups, worms and juju

I stand corrected on the Juju! I found the waist band of string this time, on a tiny little boy, maybe 8 months old. I was showing his mom how to put on the Pampers diaper that she obviously had never seen before, and there it was... on a boy. So I asked a day worker, one of the Sierra Leonian locals who works for us as translators, and he said it was traditionally for beauty for girls,and to ensure you have "a good shape of your torso." Who knew.

Also, a local believe is that hiccups are caused by worms. A patient got a hiccup spell and flagged down his nurse, demanding "worm medicine!" Who knew. Nothing to do with that irritation of the diaphragm, it was worms all along! :-)


Angela said...

So what does it mean if you're peeing worms? I was working at the doctor's office today and a man walked in with such an ailment, and the critters collected in a baby bottle to prove it. No hiccups, though....must be a different set of worms. :)

- Angela

Mom said...

All I can say is that I am astounded at all the knowledge you are acquiring.... Love you, Mom