Saturday, August 27, 2011

Not a witch, not a wizard

   Our lady that I wrote about in my last post, the lady who had her thyroidectomy (ok, huge lump on her throat removed), yesterday the doc was doing rounds and she took our hands, and through a translator and with the biggest grin on her face she said, "At home they called me a witch, they called me a wizard, they said I was cursed and called me all sorts of hurtful names. Now I go back and I am beautiful. You have taken me from shame and disgrace to joy and God will bless you."

   Next lady, who also had a lipoma on her arm (huge, random growth) that we removed, went through the same routine. Both of them speak Temne, but you understand their smiles. "I am no longer called witch, I am no longer wizard."

  Tell me that's not worth coming here for. To God be the glory. There are few surpassed joys that I've had than yesterday being able to look at these ladies and tell them that God has not forgotten them.


Robbie said...

This reminds me of the song, "I am not forgotten, I am not forgotten, I am not forgotten, God knows my name....He knows my name." Praise the name of the Lord!

Angela said...

beautiful. you are loved, and loved through, the one who saves us all from ourselves. Soli Deo Gloria!

- Angela

Leslie said...

I am moved by your account. You are a blessing to these people. I'll see your parents on Sunday! It will be fun.

Mom said...

I can imagine the joy you felt as these ladies expressed the difference the surgeries have made to their lives. I pray that the Lord in them will give them the courage to go back to make a permanent difference to their people back home. Thanks for being willing to be a part of their story, Lycia.