Wednesday, September 7, 2011

our littlest babies

   Yesterday we admitted the sweetest handful of little babies. They promptly stole all our hearts and ooh, I could... well, did, just squinch them. Oh, these little ones. Two of these babies have congenital cataracts, on both eyes, and are getting operated on in about an hour, so please do pray for them now and as they recover. I mean, right now! Drop what you're doing and pray for them please. I can't tell you what fun (and heartrendering) it was to watch these two toddle around and keep them from running into things... and sometimes they did if we didn't catch them fast enough. Toddle, toddle, toddle, bump! Into chairs or beds, just pull your heart right from your chest. Praise God that we have a pediatric opthalmologist onboard for a week! One of the babies has malaria so please pray.

   Another little 6 month old has little webbed hands and feet. We shot some X-rays and can see that he has all the bones necessary for fingers and toes, so he will also get operated on by our plastic surgeon extraordinaire, Dr. Gary Parker, who has been onboard Mercy Ships for 20 something years! Raising his family here and everything! This baby also has malaria (rude mosquitoes, really biting a baby,what's wrong with them.) He also has some sort of developmental delay/chromosomal defect going on as well. He has a special little face, and just looks up and giggles at you, Ooh. Can't stand it. I wonder what his future will be like here. I wonder what genetic testing would show. At least he'll have hands he can work with. They look like little spoons right now. I wish I could post a picture of his X-ray! I'm also rambling.

   Our giggliest (yes, it's a word) baby has a tiny lump on the back of her head that's coming off Friday. This baby LOOOVES praise and worship time on the ward, and just bounces along with the music. (Another reason why I miss my Elie-munch niece.)

  Please continue to pray for the lady who we did the partial thyroidectomy on - wrote about her a couple of blogs ago. She has both malaria and typhoid and is in our ICU, a very sick lady. It was rather providential that she got her operation at the same time because it's for sure that she would have died by now had she not happened to be onboard to get her surgery. Had she been at home she would have long been gone. She is so sweet - I've never seen anybody come out of delirium, thank us profusely for caring for her and slide back under. She's such a lovely lady and very very sick. I just pray that she's seen the Lord through us. I find the language barrier so difficult. All you can do is pet and love on them and i just feel like it's not enough when I want to talk to them!

  We also have a 6 year old that had iron pieces fleck into his eyes two days ago and tear his cornea. That got sutured up and his iris taken out yesterday. Again, thank the good Lord Dr. Park is here right now. I shudder to think what would have happened to this kid with metal in his eye ripping whenever he moved it, and no doc to do anything about it. Let's hear it for pediatric opthalmologists (whoop whoop!) Kid will still be able to see.

  Please pray also for my grandfather, Peter Gracie, he's suffered a rather large stroke and is in the ICU in St. Augustine's Hospital in Durban, South Africa. My Granny and he got married about 20 years ago and he's really the only grandfather us kids have ever known. He's the sweetest man, kind heart, and Scottish! He's not been responsive for two days now but has been suffering so much in the past few years with terrible pain. Please pray that the Lord would just be merciful to him.

Lots of prayer requests today! Love you all!


shirleymlindsey said...

I sure am praying for these babies, and the lady with malaria and typhoid, and the 6 year old with the iron pieces :( in his eye and for your dear Sottish Grandfather. And, of course,
for you!!

You sure have a heart for this, and a strong stomach. God bless you. I understand about wanting to talk to them so badly. Maybe you can get Bibles in their language to give to them. Or at least a tract in their language.

Mom said...

Please tell us how the little ones did with their cataract surgery? And may the Lord of miracles also extend past the logical level of language to the felt level of love, and speak all kinds of messages of His love to these people... and send some long-term to help walk them into understanding of His plans and purposes for their lives..

Unknown said...

LOVE YOU and praying for you and all these little ones and big ones and everyone!!!! AMAZING stuff to see and feel and touch and smell!!!!
I miss you sooo much!!!

Karita said...

Thank you much for the update on your granddad. Keeping him in my prayers. Also, am praying for all these patients of yours. I'm learning so much about joy in the midst of suffering through your blogs about your patients. May you all experience Jesus in this time on the Mercy Ships and beyond!

I love you, Friend!
