Friday, November 4, 2011

"Dis bed no gud!"

How do you explain to a patient that the reason why his bed is bucking is the ship's fault, not his bed?

We transferred some patients from D ward to B ward, as D was ready for some deep cleaning, and the patients were happily lodged in their newly assigned beds. Or so I thought. I came across one seriously disgruntled customer... we were getting dark looks and impatient sighs, snapping lips. Though a translator I asked what is the problem. "This bed no gud. I want my other bed back. It moves too much. It make me 'ed de turn!"

Try as I may to explain that it is very windy outside and the choppy seas are making everybody's bed move, no luck. He wanted back to D ward. "Dis bed no good!" as he waves his arms back and forth, mimicking the movement of his new crib.  And this is a 46 year old patient too!

I'm afraid he wasn't satisfied at all, and we couldn't convince him that everybody's beds were bucking too :-)

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