Saturday, November 26, 2011

Water Wars

To say I've worked with the loveliest group of ladies in Africa is the understatement of the century. Tears, tons of laughter, hugs, good talks, cups of tea, back rubs, movie nights, frustrations, cross-cultural moments of angst and "huh!"... what's to say. Full and bounteous life has been ours while aboard. From arguments and disappointments to the wide range of experiences and patient stories, we've shared moments that could fill books.

So Merry Pineu and a band of other wicked gals got us all together on the dock, sat chairs in circles and we had a lovely moment of chatting, and then the water balloons started to fly. I believe the funniest comment I heard during the shrieking was "where is it coming from???!!!"

Evil. Just evil. Merry, Alyssa, Heather, Noel & Christina

Photos by Justin Grant - and maybe some waterballoon filling?

1 comment:

Robbie said...

Lycia, I'm glad that your final days on ship are being filled with joyful memories! Praise the Lord!

Love you, Robbie