Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Joyful kid's wards

     So I got to work on a different ward this week, and what's to say. I stepped in and promptly got knocked back by the sheer volume. Ha! There was a full-blown balloon volleyball game was going on, with much egging on and encouragment from the adults in their beds. All the balloons stickered and drawn on, blowing up with huge pops from time to time to give you a heart attack. So i'm already giggling, and notice the little boy (6 years old) in the corner is singing "Waka Waka Africa" - can't get away from Shakira even in Sierra Leone!
  The translators were hollering at the Ketchi (sp?) v. Chelsea game, and of course Chelsea won 4-0, so no worries, the best man won. One kid was hollering through a physical therapy session (burn contractures), and then another nurse steps onto the ward with his ipod connected to a speaker - Madagascar's "I like to move it move it" booming, all games cease, and a general boogey session ensues, with the littlest 5 year old girl breakin' it down like i've never seen :-) What fun. Quite secondary to all that was the meds, dressings, vital signs and the rest of it... ah. "All the kids are singing and dancing to "I like to movie, movie!" I'm afraid I did crack up with one older fella (way into 70s) was mouthing along "Movie movie.... movie movie!"
  That settled down into a friendly card game later on (3 patients and two caregivers on one twin bed), while two more kids raced with their little cars that I tied strings to so they could drag them behind them.
  Then 3 of the tiniest ones and I went goose-stepping up and down the hallways - now, I was trying to get some of their energy out, but it backfired - sheesh, I don't know how those soldier dudes do it!  Course, we were kind of half dancing half high stepping up and down. Hmm. Fun day on the ward.


Mom said...

It was so lovely to hear your voice and your news today - your day sounds so haphazard and SOOOO fun - just wish I could be there too. Hugs and lots of love

Angela said...

I love your life. Really. You are in your ELEMENT, girlie.

love you muchly!!!!

big love


Karita said...

Now THAT'S what I call a fun and fulfilling job! What JOY! Love you, Sister!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and who wouldn't participate in a chair race down the hall? lol!